Educational Resources
Educational Resources
- In moderate amounts, algae help with the productivity and are essential for a healthy lake.
- If the water is not being managed, growth can become out of control resulting in an algal bloom.
- Often referred to as "slime", "scum", or "sludge", blooms range in color from green to brown, and have various textures and consistencies.
- Algae blooms are very common in florida’s water systems, especially during the spring and summer months.
- Nutrient rich water that collects in a lake can result in an algae bloom as the storm water flowing into the lake carries phosphorus, the main nutrient that controls the amount of algae.
Phosphorus = Algae Growth
- Blooms can become harmful because they block sunlight from reaching the bottom resulting in the death of plants and fish; extreme cases can result in a fish kill and/or a “dead lake”.

Dead Fish
- Most fish kills result from low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water.
- Factors such as algae blooms, drought, overpopulation, and water temperature can all affect the DO levels.
- Warm water holds less dissolved oxygen than cold water, so summer is the time when fish can have a hard time getting enough oxygen.
- In Florida, on warm summer nights during algal blooms, the dissolved-oxygen concentration sometimes drops too low for the fish, and a die-off can occur.
- Low dissolved oxygen can result from other factors too, such as poor flushing or circulation, dredging, or a sudden rain after a dry spell.
- It is important to keep the water aerated via an aeration system or appropriately sized fountain.
- Toxicity, infectious diseases, and parasites are possible but far less common causes of a fish kill.
Mosquitoes And Midges
- Two types of flying insects that require water to complete their life cycles are mosquitoes and midge flies.
- Midge fly larvae also called bloodworms live in the bottom of the lake.
- Midge fly adults often fly in large swarms in early evening but DO NOT BITE.
- Mosquito larvae also called wrigglers live just below the water surface.
- Mosquito adults will bite and can transmit diseases.
- If you are concerned that you have mosquitoes breeding in your lake, Blue Water Aquatics can help you.