Marsh Master
Marsh Master
When your project involves wetlands, lakes, and ponds, Blue Water Aquatics can provide a solution to these challenging conditions.
Blue Water Aquatic’s Marsh Master (MM-2) is a fully amphibious tracked machine with the capability of carrying personnel and equipment through stump filled swamps, floating marsh, as well as deep water crossings. An internal pontoon designed within a unique rubber belt track system makes for a very stable and high floating machine.
Our MM-2 is equipped with a 110-gallon spray tank and a brush mowing deck. The many advantages of this combination make it a great solution for problems traditionally associated with environmental work in wetland areas. The Marsh Master’s brush mower is a hydraulically driven, two spindle cutting unit that is designed specifically for wetland mowing applications. Practical alternative to costly aerial herbicide applications or mowing operations in wetland areas inaccessible to non-amphibious equipment.

Click on the photo above to see a short video about the Marsh Master’s capabilities!
- Capable Of Cutting Vegetation And Brush Up To 4” In Diameter.
- Two Heavy-Duty Rotary Blades Cut A 76” Swath Through Deep Underbrush And Tall Marsh Grasses.
- Ideal For Applications In Areas That Limit Other Equipment.